now, can you please tell me how the hell do you get those colors? Is it you or your camera or both? I just don’t seem to be able to get that intensity.
Zachary Siebert
yeah, i agree with jeronimo. what’s the deal?
Steve Bartel
I’m no Katie Barnes quite yet, but I’ve unlocked a few of the Grand Mysteries of Blogger. To you I bestow these fundamental truths:
1) Thou shalt toneth thy images in sRGB mode to satisfy the wishes of the God of Web Colors. 2) If thou hast webspace, hosteth thy pictures there and html code them into the blogger post. Verily, thou shall then bypass the Blogger compression.
i tone in rgb… i noticed that when i use the save for web command in photoshop, it really desaturated my photos and lightened them quite a bit. so… i just oversaturate them and darken them accordingly. i pull in the levels until the carrots match up with the edges of my histogram curve. most of my photos are overly-contrasted i think, which is why i get the colors. ;)
now, can you please tell me how the hell do you get those colors? Is it you or your camera or both? I just don’t seem to be able to get that intensity.
yeah, i agree with jeronimo. what’s the deal?
I’m no Katie Barnes quite yet, but I’ve unlocked a few of the Grand Mysteries of Blogger. To you I bestow these fundamental truths:
1) Thou shalt toneth thy images in sRGB mode to satisfy the wishes of the God of Web Colors.
2) If thou hast webspace, hosteth thy pictures there and html code them into the blogger post. Verily, thou shall then bypass the Blogger compression.
i tone in rgb… i noticed that when i use the save for web command in photoshop, it really desaturated my photos and lightened them quite a bit. so… i just oversaturate them and darken them accordingly. i pull in the levels until the carrots match up with the edges of my histogram curve. most of my photos are overly-contrasted i think, which is why i get the colors. ;)