well, i’m finally back to multimedia! my housemate eric told me about this event, and the more i thought about it, the stronger i felt about doing a multimedia project on these women. they’re from tuva, a place in the center of asia. where they’re from, only men are allowed to throat sing because it’s thought that women who throat sing will have difficulty bearing children. they’re the only female tuvan throat singing group in existence. i asked the herald if i could try out my slideshow skills, called the group’s manager, got access, and made eric go with me to help collect audio. which he didn’t seem to mind doing at all…
Nice ending there. Throat singing rocks. Have you ever seen Genghis Blues?
very nicely done. the audio is so clean and quite nearly perfect. kudos!
it’s on the herald home page! no more worry about angry phone calls.
Great choice of subject and very well done. I was smiling the whole way through.
Ghengis Blues was fantastic. I was mildly obsessed with throat singing after that. This is a great piece, Katie.